Updated 27-XII-2018

Helen J. Mikulski

This article was written by fellow lamp engineer and collector Edward J. Covington, and originally appeared on his own website of biographical sketches of persons involved in the lamp industry. Following his passing in February 2017, and with kind permission of his family, Ed's words have been preserved here in the hope of maintaining access to his writings for the benefit of subsequent generations.

Helen Mikulski

Helen Mikulski was a native of Cleveland, Ohio and had her first glimpse of the world on 15 July 1927. In 1949 she obtained a B.S. degree from Baldwin-Wallace College, which is located in Berea, Ohio. Her major subject was mathematics.

Miss Mikulski's first position was that of a research mathematician and later she worked as a measurements engineer. She then joined what was then known as the Lighting Research and Technical Service Operation (LR&TSO;) and became a statistician.

In 1955 Miss Mikulski was associated with F.W. Kuhlman and W.H. Abbott and worked with what would be considered archaic computer equipment today. Their equipment was an IBM machine, which was a card-programmed computer.

Internal GE reports indicate that Helen worked on maintenance of electroluminescent lamps, a statistical study of starting conditions of indium iodide arc lamps, a time-sharing program for preparing tape to operate a numerically-controlled cam milling machine, A FORTRAN program for analysis of incomplete block designs, a computer technique for process cost analysis, an analysis of an experimental design of a SLIMLINE lamp as well as several studies of analyses using Yates' method.

Helen Mikulski passed away on 1 January 1975.