A native of Louisville, Kentucky, Mary Nichols was born on 16 October 1929. She attended Indiana University and earned an A. B. degree from there in 1951. Courses in mathematics were also taken at Cleveland State University.
Mary Bradford's first position as an analytical chemist at GE was in the Lighting Research and Technical Service Operation where she worked with Dr. Ivie Lee Smith. Their work involved the analyses of research electroluminescent, television and fluorescent (halophosphate) phosphors by chemical, thermal and spectrographic methods. In addition, the ion-scattering ion mass spectrometer (ISS-SIMS) and the electron microprobe (EPA) were used to determine elemental surface impurities and composition analyses of lamp components.
At Lamp Glass Mrs. Bradford did quantitative and qualitative analyses of production and experimental glasses. This work was performed in the testing laboratory.
At the Tungsten Road facility she did quantitative and qualitatve analyses of tungsten raw materials, powders in the Materials Characterization Laboratory for the production and engineering sections.
Retirement came for Mary Bradford after about 29 years of service - on the first day of February, 1990. Mary Bradford passed away on 15 August 1998.